Attracting and Retaining the Right Talent !

An excerpt from the article. Management Guru, Jim Collins concurred: “…the single biggest constraint on the success of my organization is the ability to get and hang on to enough of the right people.

As the articles quite aptly points out, most companies don’t get it right when it comes to retaining, developing and valuing high performing talent. In the survey “War for Talent’’ conducted by Mckinsey with Fortune 500 companies, a whopping 82% of companies don’t believe they recruit highly talented people, 7% of the companies feel that they can retain talents which are high performing and only 3% of the companies develop talent quicky and effectively.

In a nutshell, talent matters because of the high value they bring to the organization and its scarcity. Talents who are valued and retained create huge opportunities for companies when the companies that hire them get it right.

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